Friday, January 22, 2010

Surprise Yourself

I had said to myself that I would take 15 minutes/day to just relax.... well heating up the same cup of tea 5 times isn't exactually the most ideal way to "relax".
Realistic it was... 15 minutes is pretty easy right?

Life is about choice, and I accept and embrace the choices our family has made. I am so fortunate to be at home with an awesome little boy, surrounded by 3 or 4 of his friends on a daily basis (and be paid!). I get to freely make up our schedules, choose our meals, and plan our outings. I am entrusted with the most precious gifts that God has given parents... their child. It's an honour I take very seriously.

That said... our house is in constant "wipe down mode", you can often skate across the floors on a lego or truck of choice, and we are rarely without someone who has a stinky bottom that needs changing.

I take it all with a smile and hand on my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. It's so true: we are not victims of our circumstances - life really is about choice. No matter how you break it down. And what an important (and short) time we have with our little ones. I'm enjoying it, and I'm glad to see that you are too. :)
